Working together to support law enforcement and fight illegal trade

By James Tignanelli | President, Police Officers Association of Michigan

Originally posted on

James Tignanelli, president of the Police Officers Association of Michigan and USA-IT partner, discusses why public and private partnerships with law enforcement are crucial in fighting illegal trade:

“Michigan’s law enforcement officials are doing everything in their power to combat all forms of crime, including illegal trade, but these are complex challenges. We need to explore every option and resource that gives us an advantage in eradicating the scourge of criminal organizations plaguing our communities. That is why the Police Officers Association of Michigan (POAM) is excited to partner with United to Safeguard America from Illegal Trade (USA-IT) and join in its efforts to tackle illegal trade and disrupt the flow of money to criminal organizations.”

“Our men and women in blue never back down from a challenge. While illegal trade is a formidable problem facing Michigan’s communities, our law enforcement officials are ready to take on those who pose a threat to our safety and prosperity. POAM is excited to continue supporting these brave men and women in their efforts, and we look forward to working alongside USA-IT to build a safer Michigan for all.”

Read more here.