Business giants join initiative to crack down on counterfeits

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Business giants join initiative to crack down on counterfeits

06/09/21 04:18 PM EDT


Originally posted on

USA-IT partners featured in The Hill to discuss the launch of United to Safeguard America from Illegal Trade:

“Buying those fake items knowingly really just lines the pockets of these criminal organizations which use the money for much more nefarious purposes,” said Matt Albence, USA-IT spokesperson and former director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. “This isn’t a victimless crime.”

“Counterfeit goods entering the supply chain and getting into the hands of consumers is a burden on manufacturers,” said Christopher Netram, vice president of tax and domestic economic policy at NAM. “It’s most acutely felt by the small and medium-sized manufacturers that don’t really have the resources to have a dedicated staffer to monitor and counteract counterfeits.”

Read more here.